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Explore Our Luxury Massage Treatments
We offer a range of treatments including stress relieving and muscle relaxing massages. From deep-tissue work for persistent pains to calming hot stones massage, and a few innovative options
30 min
40 British pounds45 min
50 British pounds1 hr
60 British pounds1 hr 15 min
70 British pounds1 hr
60 British poundsStudies show that a hot stone massage may be a helpful way to reduce stress and anxiety.
1 hr
62 British poundsReflexology stimulates the body into healing itself by improving circulation, reducing stress pain
45 min
50 British poundsThe gradual, gentle stretching will enhance the person's flexibility over time.
1 hr
60 British poundsReducing stress and increasing relaxation. Reducing pain and muscle soreness and tension.
1 hr
60 British pounds1 hr 30 min
85 British pounds30 min
40 British poundsTreats muscle tissue, and its goal is to reduce pain, inactivate trigger points and restore function
1 hr
60 British pounds
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